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Palmirotta, Francesco, Psy.D., Phi.D.


Francesco Palmirotta, Psy. D and Phi. D. is licensed psychologist-psychotherapist, music therapist in independent practice in Bari, Italy. President of the Humanistic Ontosophy Association recognized by APA-AHP (American Psychological Association and Association of Humanistic Psychology Div.32 ) for training in Psychotherapy, Music therapy . He works from about 30 years with his staff in Southern Italy (Magna Greece). He founded with other colleagues , Solinio Village (in the Murgia National Park) where is applied (in a College-Unesco member) the meaning of the Ontosophy theory and practice. He first pointed out the relationship, between dream and Freud’s cancer , as psychosomatic event. He is author of several scientific articles and books:

The meaning of the family to realize the Ontic- existentialI individuation (1999);

Psychosomatic Music Therapy (1989, 2004);

Psychotherapy and Music Therapy. Researches and Resolved case (2000);

Humanistic Ontosophy (2000);

Dream and Cancer in Sigmund Freud (1990).

you can find more about my researches and professional life going to my website 

Here is a paper:
Ecco un link a un file nel mio Dropbox:

Please feel free to send me your kind opinion about my paper on ontosophy, I have a lot of writings and therapies in Italian to publish ....I manage an Italian publishing house...

Email address:  <>

I would like to share some personal notes about myself....
Since the beginning of the ​1970s​ in  ​H​igh School I was very clever in the history and ph​i​losophy and  ​I​ was discovering the  ​misconceptions  ( ​in regards to​ the  ​place of ​humanit​ies​ in art and science) that the  ​political ​hier​ar​ch​i​​​es ​within the​ Church​  ​(​​as well as the ​Romans  ​)​ were  ​committing in regards to the roots of western culture,  ​even though ​some philosophers and wise men and ​women  ​still  ​admired the high civilization of the native indigenous people of Southern Italy.  ​These misconceptions of the origins of Western culture have cost the modern age (and obviously to all the ages since the 2500 years ago)  ​a lack of​ understanding o​f the real meaning  ​of​ some words  ​including the​ episteme of Earth-Life "Being, Psyche, Eros ,Therapy, ​Sophy, Universe, Science, Art, Good, etc  ​.​" ​  ​Thinking that most of those words were coined in that  ​Classical ​Age, you can have ​,​ if you want​,​ the value of the deep heritage of the reality that ​has been and continues to be los​t​ for  ​our humanity​.​  I am able to demonstrate what I said with my own life experience (Ii was the only child of a suicide mother taking care of her at risk of my own Life) and I  ​have been a clinician ​for​ 30 years, degreed in Psychology and Philosophy with a psychotherapy training and  ​I have ta​ught in ​both ​foreign and  ​I​talian Universities​, including at the University of west Georgia and University of Dallas.​  ​I​  ​have mostly, thought, stayed outside the academy, choosing​ to be a free thinker!  I was a co-founder of a sustainable community living with hard resiliance in an ecovillage Solinio in Southern Italy.....

Anyway , I am very happy to take part of these worldwide group of human beings. Thank you for the occasion that you are offering to share my thoughts.

Francesco Palmirotta